New student registration

Thank you for accessing the Toa Language Institute “Online 40” online lesson service. Please first register as a new student from the following options. After completing the registration, you can start booking lessons.

The registration will take three minutes.

The registration
Confirm the information
Check an email
Final registration/log in
  • お名前を入力してください。ここで登録したお名前はサイトに表示されません
  • Enter your name. The name you register here will not be displayed on the site.
  • ニックネームを入力してください。登録したニックネームはサイトに表示されます
  • Enter your nickname. The nickname you register here will be displayed on the site.
  • 100文字以内でメールアドレスを入力してください
  • Enter your email address within 100 characters.
  • 半角英数字8~12文字でパスワードを入力してください
  • Please enter your password, using between eight to twelve half-width characters.
  • クーポン・コードをお持ちの方は、ここに8桁の半角英数字で入力してください
  • If you have a coupon code, enter the eight digits as half-width characters.

この利用規約は、「オンライン40」をご利用いただくためのルールを定めたものであり、一般財団法人霞山会 東亜学院(以下「甲」という。)と受講者(以下「乙」という。)との間の契約内容となるものですので、ご利用に際しては、この利用規約を十分にお読みくださいますようお願いします。
These Terms of Service outline the rules for using the Online 40 and constitute the agreement concluded between the Toa Language Institute of the Kazankai Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”) and the student taking lessons (hereinafter referred to as “Student”). Before using the Online 40 service, please ensure you read and understand these Terms of Service in full.

第1条 <利用規約>
Article 1 Terms of Service

These Terms of Service shall set out the rules governing the use of the Online 40 service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) by Student provided by the Institute.

第2条 <規約の範囲>
Article 2 Applicability of Terms

Student shall carefully read and comply with these Terms of Service in good faith when using the Service.

第3条 <ウェブ会議ソフトの使用環境の整備>
Article 3 Maintaining user’s setting of the video conferencing software.

The Service constitutes the provision of online lessons via the video conferencing software. Any Student wishing to use the Service shall install the video conferencing software on his/her device at his/her responsibility and account, maintain the required network environment for using the video conferencing software by him-/herself and carry out all other operations needed for taking lessons. Any expense incurred by Student in using the video conferencing software shall be covered by him/her.

第4条 <新規受講者登録>
Article 4 New student registration

  1. 受講にあたっては、最初に以下URLから「新規受講者登録」が必要です。
  2. 「新規受講者登録」は一人について1回のみ行うことができるものとし、同一人物が複数の「新規受講者登録」を行うことは禁止します。同一人物が複数の「新規受講者登録」をした場合は、甲は、当該人物の受講者登録を全て抹消するものとします。(これを「除名処分」といいます。)
  1. To take lessons, Student must first complete the “New student registration” from the following URL:
    Once Student has completed his/her “New student registration”, he/she is deemed as having agreed to the Terms of Service. After completing the “New student registration”, Student can log in to his/her “My Page” from the “Student log-in” screen with his/her personally specified User ID and password and purchase points, book lessons and configure other procedures on his/her “My Page”.
  2. Each “New student registration” shall be completed only once per person and individuals are not permitted to submit multiple “New student registrations”. When the same person submits multiple “New student registrations”, the Institute shall remove all information registered by such person (“Expulsion”).

第5条 <コース概要>
Article 5 Course outline

For the outlines of each course, how to take lessons and other procedures, please refer to the information on Student’s “My Page”.

第6条 <ポイントの購入>
Article 6 Purchase of points

To take lessons, Student needs to purchase points from his/her “My Page” and book lesson by using his/her points. When purchasing points, payment by credit card and PayPal is acceptable. Points expire once 31 days have elapsed since the date of purchase (including said date of purchase and the same shall apply hereinafter.). Student can book lessons given at any time within the 31 days elapsing from the date of purchase by redeeming his/her points. Points expire once 31 days have elapsed since the date of purchase.

第7条 <レッスン時間>
Article 7 Lesson time

  1. レッスン開始時刻、レッスン時間

    対応曜日:月・火・水・木・金・土・日 (祝日も対応)
    7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00
    15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

  2. レッスン予約
  1. Starting time and lesson duration
    Lessons start at the following times and each lesson lasts 40 minutes.

    Lessons available on: Weekdays and Weekends (including Public Holidays)
    7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00
    15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00
    Please note that these times are Japan time, especially for those living abroad.

  2. Booking lesson
    Student can take a lesson by booking from his/her “My Page” up to 12 hours before the lesson of choice is scheduled to start.

第8条 <教材>
Article 8 Textbook

Textbooks used in lesson are listed on the “Curriculum/textbook purchasing” page on Student’s “My Page”. Student shall prepare the textbook used in his/her lesson before the lesson is scheduled to start at his/her responsibility and expense. The Institute and its lecturer disclaim all liability if the lecturer is unable to proceed with a lesson or teach effectively due to the failure of Student to procure a textbook.

第9条 <予約の取消・変更>
Article 9 Canceling/changing booking

  1. 乙は、予約したレッスンの開始時刻の24時間前までであれば、「受講者マイページ」内のキャンセルフォームから、予約したレッスンの予約の取消を行うことができます。この場合、甲は乙に当該レッスンの予約のために使用したポイントを返還します。予約したレッスンの開始時刻の24時間前を経過した後は、レッスンの取消はできません。
  2. 予約したレッスンを、別のレッスンに変更したい場合は、予約したレッスンの開始時刻の24時間前までに一旦予約を取り消した上で、返還されたポイントにより再度希望するレッスンを予約してください。予約したレッスンの開始時刻の24時間前を経過した後は、レッスンの取消はできません。
  1. Student can cancel a lesson he/she booked via the cancelation form on his/her “My Page” up to 24 hours before the lesson is scheduled to start. In this case, the Institute returns points used for booking the lesson to Student.
  2. To switch a lesson already booked to another lesson, please first cancel the initially booked lesson no less than 24 hours before the lesson is scheduled to start, then book the lesson Student wishes to take using his/her returned points. Note that lessons cannot be canceled any later than 24 hours before the booked lesson is scheduled to start.

第10条 <乙の遅刻・レッスンの打ち切り>
Article 10 Late attendance of Student/termination of lessons

  1. 甲の責めに帰すべき事由によらないで、乙が申し込んだレッスンの開始時刻までに、乙が甲の講師とウェブ会議ソフトによる会話ができる状態とならなかった場合、その他正しくレッスンが行われなかった場合でも、レッスンの終了時刻は伸長されず、レッスン開始時刻の40分後にレッスンは終了するものとします。その場合、乙が当該レッスンを予約するために使用したポイントは返還しません。
  2. 前項の場合において、レッスン開始時間から20分が経過した時点で、乙が甲の講師とウェブ会議ソフトによる会話ができる状態とならなかった場合、甲はその時点でレッスンを終了させることができることとします。その場合、乙が当該レッスンを予約するために使用したポイントは返還しません。
  1. Where Student is not ready to discuss with a lecturer via the video conferencing software by the scheduled lesson start time booked by Student or in all other cases when a lesson is not properly given due to reasons not attributable to the Institute, the lesson time shall not be extended and shall end 40 minutes after the scheduled lesson start time. In this case, the points used by Student to book the lesson shall not be returned.
  2. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, when Student is still not ready for conversation with the lecturer when 20 minutes have elapsed after the scheduled lesson start time, the Institute may end the lesson at that time. In this case, the points used by Student to book the lesson shall not be returned.

第11条 <返 金>
Article 11 Repayment

Points Student purchased shall not be refunded, regardless of reason.

第12条 <規約の変更>
Article 12 Changes to Terms

  1. 甲は、乙の了承を得ることなく、いつでも、この利用規約を変更することができるものとします。この場合、本サービスの利用条件は、変更後の利用規約によります。
  2. 変更後の利用規約は、甲が別途定める場合を除いて、「受講者マイページ」に表示した時点より効力を生じるものとします。
  1. The Institute may revise the Terms of Service at any time without consent of Student.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by the Institute, the revised Terms of Service shall come into effect at the time when the change is displayed on Student’s “My Page”.

第13条 <新規受講者登録の不承認>
Article 13 Rejection of new student registration

If any of the following apply to any individuals wishing to newly register on the Service, the Institute may reject such registration.

  1. 既に、新規受講者登録をした者が、再度新規受講者登録をしようとした場合
  2. 新規受講者登録の際の申告事項に虚偽、誤記または記入もれがあった場合
  3. 本サービスの円滑な運営を妨げる恐れがあると甲が判断した場合
  4. 過去において甲より除名処分を受けたことがある場合
  5. 上記以外の理由で、甲が新規受講者登録を認めることが不適当であると判断した場合
  1. Individuals having already registered attempting to re-register;
  2. Individuals with any false declaration, erroneous description or omission in their registration;
  3. Where the Institute deems that such registration may impede smooth operation of the Service;
  4. Individuals who were previously expelled by the Institute; or
  5. Where the Institute deems that approving such registration would be inappropriate for any reasons other than above.

第14条 <乙の禁止事項と除名処分>
Article 14 Prohibited matters and expulsion of Student

When taking lessons, Student is prohibited from speaking or acting in a manner likely to offend public order and morals, such as using abusive language. If Student speaks or act in such a way, the Institute may expel Student. If Student is expelled by the Institute and his/her registration is deleted, said Student shall be permanently barred from booking lessons. In this case, the Institute shall not refund any points still held by Student.

第15条 <受講者登録の抹消>
Article 15 Deletion of student registration

Student may delete his/her registration. When Student has not booked lesson for a year or more, the Institute may delete the registration of such Student without notice. At this point, Student will no longer be able to take lessons booked but not taken, nor book any new lessons thereafter. In this case, the Institute shall not refund any points still held by Student.

第16条 <サービス提供の終了、中止>
Article 16 Service termination and discontinuation

  1. 甲は、理由の如何を問わず、1か月の周知期間を置くことにより、何らの補償なく、いつでも本サービスの提供を終了することができるものとし、乙はこれに対する異議申立てを行わないものとします。
  2. システム障害・自然災害等、甲の責によらない事由により、甲が一時的に本サービスの提供を中断せざるをえなくなった場合でも、甲は、乙に対し、一切の責任を負わないものとします。
  1. The Institute may terminate the provision of Service, regardless of reason, at any time and without compensation subject to a one-month notice period. Student shall not have redress.
  2. Even under circumstances where the Institute cannot avoid a temporary cessation of the Service due to system failure, natural disaster and other reasons not attributable to the Institute, the Institute disclaims all liability vis-à-vis Student.

第17条 <責任の範囲>
Article 17 Extent of liability

  1. 甲の責めに帰すべき事由により、乙が申込みをしたレッスンを受講することができなかった場合は、甲は乙にレッスン分のポイントを返還します。甲がレッスンを実施することができなかったことによる乙への損害賠償は当該ポイントの返還に限られるものとし、乙にそれを上回る損害が発生したとしても、甲は当該損害にかかる責任を負わないものとします。
  2. 甲の責めに帰すべき事由によらないで、乙が申込みをしたレッスンを受講できなかった場合(乙の通信機器、回線状況による不具合等を含む)は、ポイントを返還しません。
  1. In case Student is unable to take lesson he/she booked due to reasons attributable to the Institute, the Institute shall return the points for the lesson to Student. Compensation to Student for damage incurred due to inability to take a lesson shall be limited to returning of the relevant points. Even under circumstances where Student incurs more damage due to the lack of lesson, the Institute disclaims responsibility for such damage.
  2. Where Student is unable to take a lesson he/she booked for any reason not attributable to the Institute (including failure in Student’s communication equipment and network status), the points for the lesson shall not be returned.

第18条 <個人情報の保護>
Article 18 Personal information protection

The personal information of Student obtained by the Institute shall be handled in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Policy of the Institute.

第19条 <知的財産権>
Article 19 Intellectual property right

All intellectual property rights are reserved, including trademark rights and copyright for the trademarks, descriptions and logos involved in the Service and the lesson contents given by lecturers of the Institute. Student is not allowed to reproduce, use or distribute them.

第20条 <専属的合意管轄裁判所>
Article 20 Court of exclusive jurisdiction

The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction in the first instance for any disputes arising between the Institute and Student.

第21条 <言語>
Article 21 Language

The governing language of these Terms of Services shall be Japanese, and only the Japanese version shall have the legal effect. An English translation attached hereof is made for reference purpose and shall have no legal effect.

第22条 <準拠法>
Article 22 Governing law

These Terms of Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

付則 本規約は2021年5月1日より実施いたします。

Supplementary provisions
These Terms of Service shall come into effect as of May 1, 2021.

  • 規約に同意後、「次へ」ボタンを押してください
  • Confirm agreement with the Terms of Service and press the “Next” button.