Frequently Asked Questions

This page compiles questions frequently asked by students. Please refer to this page before you make any inquiry.

About the Toa Language Institute Online 40

Q. 登録料金や入会費は必要ですか? Do I have to pay any registration or membership fees?

No, all students registrations are 100% free of charge.

Q. レッスンを受ける際には何が必要ですか?What should I prepare for taking lessons?

You will need an Internet-ready PC, a web cam (either external or built-in), a headset (or a microphone and speaker) and the video conferencing software.

Q. 東亜学院オンライン40では何ができますか? What can I do with the Toa Language Institute Online 40?

You can take a 40-minute long Chinese or Japanese language lesson. Each lesson is taught one-to-one via the video conferencing software.

Lessons and content to be downloaded

Q. 講師はどのような方がいますか? What kinds of lecturers do you have?

Our lessons are given by native speakers of proven quality and with a wealth of experience.All our Chinese language lecturers also respond adequately in Japanese. Some of our Japanese language lecturers can also communicate in English, Chinese, Korean and another second foreign language.
Please refer to the “Book by lecturer” option on My Page for more details.

Q. キャンセルはどのように行いますか? How can I cancel a lesson?

You can cancel lessons from My Page > Lesson History/Booking Confirmation > Details page of the lesson to be canceled. Please specify a reason when canceling. Cancelations can be made free of charge provided at least 24 hours notice is given before the scheduled lesson start time. Please note that even if a lesson is not taken, your points will be used up if you cancel under 24 hours before the scheduled lesson start time.

Q. キャンセルをしたらポイントはいつ戻ってきますか? If I cancel a lesson, when are my points returned?

Your points are returned immediately. Please note, however, that if you cancel under 24 hours before the scheduled lesson start time, you will forfeit the points for that lesson.

Q. 1日に何回レッスンを受けることができますか? How many lessons can I take per day?

You may take as many lessons as you like per day, provided your points balance is sufficient.

Q. 受講できる時間を教えてください。 From what time to what time can I take lessons?

You can take lessons between 7:00 a.m. and 9:40 p.m.

Q. レッスンを受講する前に確認することは何ですか? What should I check before taking a lesson?

Please check your Internet connection status and your headset and web cam function. If any audio or camera failure attributable to issues on the student side prevents a lesson from being completed, points cannot be returned.

Q. レッスン前に講師と連絡をとれますか? Can I contact the lecturer before taking the lesson?

Yes, you can. Please send a message via the message field on the corresponding lesson page, accessible from “Lesson History”. Messages from the lecturer will also be displayed there. When a lecturer messages you, an email notification will automatically be sent to your registered email address. You can also check messages from the corresponding page on “Lesson History”.

Q. 予約が正しくできたか確認したいです。 Can I reconfirm whether my lesson is properly booked?

When you complete your booking, please check the email sent to your registered email address as reconfirmation of your lesson booking. Cancelation confirmation and lecturer’s messages are also sent via email.

Q. Zoomに入室できない場合はどうしたらいいですか? What should I do if I have trouble joining a Zoom meeting?

  1. 待機画面を閉じてZoom URLを再度クリックする
  2. Zoomを再起動する
  3. 他にソフトウェアが立ち上がっていないか確認する
  4. メッセージ機能を使って講師に入室できない旨を連絡する
  5. それでもZoomに入室できない場合は、講師にメッセージを送り、その後完了報告で「未実施」を報告してください
  1. Close the standby screen and click the Zoom URL again.
  2. Restart Zoom.
  3. Check whether other software is starting up.
  4. Contact the lecturer to inform him/her that you are unable to join a lesson via the message function.
  5. If you are still unable to join a lesson via Zoom, please message the lecturer and then select “Not completed” in your lesson completion report.

Q. 自分のウェブ会議ソフトの調子、もしくはインターネットの調子が不安定で、レッスンに参加できませんでした。 I was unable to join a lesson due to the video conferencing software on my side or the Internet connection was unstable.

Please select “Trouble” in your lesson completion report. Recheck your Internet connection and test the video conferencing software. Please note that the lesson is considered taken and your points will be used up, even if you were still unable to join the lesson.

Q. レッスンの感想を送ることはできますか? Can I send feedback on lessons?

Yes, you can. Click “Lesson History” in the side menu and post on the corresponding lesson page via the “Feedback” option. Your feedback is then sent to the lecturer and management office and may also be used on our website.

Q. 「お気に入り」とは何ですか? What is “Favorites”?

“Favorites” is used to facilitate booking lessons with your favorite lecturer. If you would like to nominate a favorite lecturer, click the “Favorites” button to add him/her to your favorites list on My Page. You can also use the Favorites function from the “List of Lecturers” and “Lecturer Details” pages.

Q. 動画や資料は一度ダウンロードしたら、いつでも見ることができますか? Can I watch videos and view lecture materials whenever I want once downloaded?

You can watch and review the contents whenever you want by downloading and saving them on your PC. However, the download URL for videos and PDF files will expire. To watch videos and view PDFs which are no longer valid, you must purchase them.

Fees and points

Q. 料金はどのくらいかかりますか? How much does it cost?

For details, please refer to our payment plan page.

Q. 支払方法について教えてください。 Which payment methods are acceptable?

We accept credit-card payments .

Q. 有効期限前にポイントを使い切ってしまいました。 I used up all my points before they expired.

You can also purchase points every time via the “Spot Plan” simultaneously with the Regular Monthly Purchasing Plan. When you purchase new points, their expiration date is automatically extended by the prescribed number of days from the purchasing date.

Q. ポイントの有効期限はどこで確認できますか? Where can I check the point expiration date?

You can check it on the [Point deposit/withdrawal details] page after logging in.

Student registration / others

Q. 受講者登録には料金がかかりますか? Does registering as a student cost anything?

No, you can register free of charge.

Q. 会員登録をしたのですが、レッスンが予約できません。 I registered my membership but still cannot book lessons.

Please register your information from here. After registering your basic profile information, you can book lessons.

Q. 登録情報の取り扱いは、どのようになっていますか? How is my registered information handled?

We handle student’s registered information in line with strict data protection rules.

Q. 受講者登録をしたのに、確認メールが届きません。 I completed my registration but did not receive a confirmation email.

Some information sent from the Online 40 may be diverted to the spam folder depending on your email provider (e.g. Yahoo! mail, Gmail and other free email services). When checking for emails, please also check your spam folder.

Q. 携帯電話のアドレスを登録したのですが、メールが届きません。 I registered my mobile email address but have not received any emails.

Since mobile carriers have strengthened their anti-spam measures and mobile users can individually configure spam settings, it is often impossible for messages to get through to mobile email addresses. If your email text is garbled, please either upgrade the relevant software or register an alternative free email address (e.g. Gmail).

Q. 一度登録した情報の変更や削除はできますか? Can I change or delete information after registering?

Yes, you can edit your profile at any time after logging in. To delete information after registering, you must withdraw your membership. Please contact us using the inquiry form.

Q. 1人が受講者登録をしたら、複数人で利用することはできますか? If I register for the membership, can I then share the membership with others?

You cannot share your membership with others. Each individual should register their own membership.

Q. 休会や退会することはできますか? Can I take a leave of absence or withdraw my membership?


You cannot take a leave of absence. Once you withdraw your membership, you must re-register to become a member again. If you wish to withdraw your membership, please specify the reason via the inquiry form.
There is no scope to take time off in the Regular Monthly Purchasing Plan. Please cancel this plan before withdrawing your membership.

Q. パスワードを変更したいです。 I would like to change my password.

You can change your password with the PW Change option after logging in.

Q. パスワードが分からなくなりました。 I forgot my password.

Please reset your password with the Password Reset option on the log-in screen.

Q. 推奨環境を教えてください。 What are the recommended settings?


  • 【推奨OS】
    Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 / Mac OS
  • 【推奨ブラウザ環境】
    ・Windows - Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、IE 11、Microsoft Edge
    ・Mac - Apple Safari、Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox

We recommend the following settings:

  • [Recommended OS]
    Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 / Mac OS
  • [Recommended browser settings]
    * Please use the latest version provided by each browser.
    ・Windows - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, IE 11 and Microsoft Edge
    ・Mac - Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Q. ブラウザ以外の推奨環境を教えてください。 What are the recommended settings other than for the browser?

[Network setting] wired network
[Zoom] the latest version

Q. 受信したメールが文字化けしてしまいます。 The email I received is garbled.



  • Outlookの場合はこちらをご確認ください。
  • Thunderbirdの場合はこちらをご確認ください。

Sometimes, if your email software is not the latest version, it may not display messages correctly, resulting in garbled characters. In this case, please upgrade your email software or register an alternative free email address (e.g. Gmail ).
*In some cases, garbled text can be resolved without upgrading the software by changing the character encoding to [UTF-8]. Please first try the following:

  • If you are an Outlook user, please check here:
  • If you are a Thunderbird user, please check here: